How To Take Care Of Framed Canvas Prints

How To Take Care Of Framed Canvas Prints

Posted by Ana Stone on 27th May 2023

Artefacts are the only eye-catching pieces of furniture that must be handled with exceptional care. To keep them looking just as new, it's vital to exercise caution while deciding where to put them. Without proper maintenance, they may begin to lose their shine and charm. After a while, your visitors may lose interest in them.

Unfortunately, our hectic schedules don't afford us much time to maintain our home's décor. But, to keep your canvas prints looking fresh, there are a few basic things you can do regularly. This blog explores time-saving methods for maintaining your home's interior design. So, let us glance at some of the best ways to preserve the beauty of canvas prints forever.

Enclosing Printed Material

Because canvas prints vary greatly from traditional paintings, they need special handling and storage precautions. Framed canvas prints will suit the best if you have recently acquired a superb collector's art. Immediately after the work gets finished, it is to be kept in a case or a frame to protect it from minute dust particles.

You'll have a greater probability of keeping your canvas prints looking brand new if you frame them as soon as possible.

Consistent Buffing

Your house mirrors may or may not need buffing every week, but your home decor definitely does. You can use a clean cloth to dust any particle over the framed canvas prints following utmost care. Using a clean mopping cloth will ensure the frame will not catch any subsequent particles from the fabric.

Dusting the frames would take you less than five minutes. You can even delegate this work to your house servants unless you are super connected to your exquisite room decor.

Handle Carefully

The fragile nature of framed canvas prints necessitates extra caution while handling them. Glass frames should not be touched with greasy fingers. Because of the oily feel, it may be difficult to remove. To avoid damaging these delicate home décor objects, clean your hands before handling them thoroughly.

You must also be careful not to place the wall frames upside down since this may allow dust from the floor to collect. Instead, the canvas print should be kept upright and covered in a clean towel when not in use.

Keep Chemicals at Arm's Reach

When canvas wall art comes into touch with chemicals, the paint colours will lose their sheen. Therefore, it's best to avoid using any cleaning chemicals readily accessible on the market. In addition, your new canvas prints' shine may be severely damaged if you use these products.

You may only use a dry towel to wipe off surfaces. However, the art print may be polished with water droplets sprayed on it for thorough cleaning from the inside.


Canvas prints can be brought back to life in a flash with the assistance of any one of these simple hacks. Regularly following these guidelines, the canvas prints will return to their former glory. Consistent work will ensure that your canvas prints will last a long time.